About Us

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Our Mission At Optimum Wellness our mission is to enhance mental health awareness and improve access to treatment and services for individuals living with mental illness. We strive to empower and promote personal wellness through an accessible, comprehensive, integrated, and evidence-based approach to mental health care.

Who We Are We are a dedicated team of mental health professionals, including licensed nurse practitioners, therapists, counselors, and support staff, committed to providing compassionate and effective care. Our team members bring diverse expertise and a shared passion for helping individuals achieve mental wellness.

What We Do We offer a wide range of mental health services, including psychopharmacological, individual therapy, group therapy, and specialized programs for various mental health conditions. Our approach is holistic, integrating evidence-based practices with personalized care to meet the unique needs of each client.

Why We Do It We believe that mental health is a vital component of overall well-being. Our commitment to this field stems from a deep desire to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. We are dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and providing support to those in need.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Meet Our Staff

Brandy Eichelberger

Brandy Eichelberger

Board-certified family nurse practitioner (FNP) and psychiatric nurse practitioner based in Illinois; I bring 20 + years of experience in mental health.
Tyler D. Roy Thurman

Tyler D. Roy Thurman

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Mental Health Consultant with 24+ years of experience in the mental health profession.
Rita Byrd

Rita Byrd

Rita Byrd is a licensed, clinical social worker who earned her Master of Social Work degree from Washington University, Brown School, in St. Louis, Missouri.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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